Educational systems
Countries have different educational systems. Some of them provide their inhabitants with excellent opportunities to get a high degree of expertise in many fields, while others, for different reasons, are not able to provide such opportunities for most of their population.
Developing countries, in particular, tend to have inadequate educational systems. The main reason is usually the lack of experienced and suitably trained teachers, professors, consultants, and managers. As a consequence, most of their inhabitants do not have enough training to compete professionally or academically with their international counterparts.
We provide three different kinds of service to countries with lacking educational systems:
1) Ongoing training of teachers and professors in order to give them an opportunity to satisfactorily master the subjects they have to teach. This training is provided by PhD instructors that are specialized in the corresponding subjects.
2) Academic advice and monitoring both on how to create a successful educational system and how to manage it efficiently. This service is provide by the most renowned academic managers worldwide.
3) Highly customized software structures, of which our team of remarkable computer technicians are in charge, in order to adequately manage the educational system.
Math training on differential calculus for Peruvian high school teachers of the Puno region. This project was aimed at improving the mathematical skills of teachers in order to improve learning in their mathematics classes. (In some regions of non-first-world-countries, teachers oftentimes lack the necessary knowledge to give classes successfully). The training was divided into three periods of two weeks each and was focus on both the theoretical bases of differential calculus as well as on practical classes.